
Posts Tagged ‘rifles’

Because of the age we live in, there are many people that do not own guns of any kind. This is not judgment, just an observation. I also perceive there are many people that can look back at parents and possibly grandparents to find that no one in their direct family ever owned a gun. I think it is also possible that quite a few folks can look to their circle of friends and discover that no one they know well owns or ever has owned a gun.

I get that, and it is a good thing in some respects. There is no compunction these days to need a gun of any type. It is good to know that so many people can feel safe enough that they do not need the protection of a firearm. However, that also leads to ignorance.

Now, before you crucify me for offending you or someone you know concerning ignorance, I am not using the pejorative use of the term ‘ignorance’, as in, “That fellow is ignorant.” On the contrary, I am using the term to mean a lack of knowledge. In more detail, I also view it to mean a lack of knowledge for something that is readily available.

It never fails that in any discussion on situations like mass shootings where an AR-15 is involved to hear one or more of the following questions or statements:

“Why do you need an AR-15?”

“Nobody needs an AR-15.”

You can also substitute the terms assault rifle, assault weapon, military weapon, or military grade weapon for AR-15. All of these are interchangeable according to most of our press and the non-gun owning public. However, if you’ll have a little patience, pull up your caffeinated beverage of choice and follow along, I’ll do my best to explain the answer to the question.

Please do remember that the opinion I give is mine alone and also my own experiences and observations. While many of my friends and associates will say similar things as I do about AR-15’s, that is not a guarantee.

First, I’ll use the simple answer for those that may have closed minds or closed opinions on the matter. I don’t “need” an AR-15. If this is all that you wish to hear, you can run along now and I’ll not expand your knowledge at all. Yes, that may be a bit blunt but I also know that there are folks that this is all they wish to hear. If you want to know why I put the word “need” in quotes, please read on.


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